1. My favorite was probably the canvas painting in the ending because we could work with colors and paint. I felt like I was pretty succesful in painting the canvas. We had to mix colors and understand how the diffrent shades can make a big impact in highlighting and showing values in the painting. It was also fun because we could choose a scene and try to get inspired by others and make our own. It was really nice to see how the little things you can do can make a big diffrence in the landscape painting, and how certain colors can complement each other. I really enjoyed the landscape painting because it was really fun and I learned what colors can complement each other. Overall the landscape painting is my favorite project over this semester.
2.I felt like I learned a lot from the game drawing. It taught me how to use perspective and how if you use it can seem more realistic. It taught me about where to find the vanishing point and how to draw in 3D. I didn't really like the project because it was hard but I did grow from it and it taught me a lot of skills. I learned that you have to shade it to create value but perspective is also very important because its what makes the picture more realistic or not. It taught me how to use lines and how it actually matters where you put it and if its straight or not. In the game drawing project you had to pay attention to a lot of details and that's why I feel like it taught me many skills and techniques than all the other project I've had.
3. I feel like I used a lot of the skills and techniques from the value portraits. I learned how to use shading and where to shade. Since we were drawing an actual face it was difficult but I soon learned that shading is what makes it real. When you were shading you also had to be careful because it was a very gradual process because you can't go to dark so quick so you had to have a light hand with it but you were also suppose to have very dark features and very light ones too. The hair was also difficult because you had to draw every single strand. In the value protrait I learned everywhere had value like you couldn't shade one place of the face and not shade in the other because it wouldn't look real. We had to circle everywhere that had dark values and light values and shade it gradually. I used the skills and techniques I learned in the value portraits and used it every other project we had.
4. I felt like the stencil project was the least important because it didn't teach us much skills. It was fun but we didn't learn much from it. The only thing I learned from it was recongnizing where to cut out the vaules and how the values can make your picture look diffrent. I cut out the dark values and sprayed paint on top and I didn't spray much or it would start to leak and you couldn't tell what your project was suppose to be. I also learned that having the right background is very important. For the Stencils I did Mount Rushmore so I used a very earthy color like green and browns. I glued paper that had earthy colors in the background and spray painted the cut out on top to make the stencils. Overall I felt like it was a fun project but I learned the least from it compared to the other projects we have had.
5. I feel like the one I really liked was the clay tile because I had the most fun in making it. It was nice and I learned how to make things with clay. I chose to make a mountain and a wolf. I feel like the clay tile turned out the way i liked it to be. The clay was messy but I learned how to make shapes with it. After it was in the kilm I painted over it and learned how to make the colors complement each other. I had always wanted to make something out of clay and it was really fun that I did. Overall I feel like I had the most connection to the clay tile.